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Partner With Our Trusted Appliance Repair Company

Our team at Chicago Appliance Repair Doctor is readily available to satisfy your appliance repair needs. To schedule service, kindly fill out an inquiry form or contact us directly to speak with an experienced technician.





2420 North Springfield Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647

918 79th St. Darien, IL 60561

Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7 p.m., with pre-scheduled service offered on Saturdays and Sundays.

Appliance Repair Services in Chicago & Surrounding Suburbs

Appliances streamline our routines and simplify our lifestyles. However, they are notorious for doing the opposite when succumbing to age-related wear or malfunctions. Fortunately, Chicago Appliance Repair Doctor has you covered. Discover our premier home appliance repair services in Chicago and surrounding suburbs to mitigate the risks associated with faulty appliances.

The Home Appliance Repair You Deserve

The days of outrageous rates, impersonal service, and mediocre results are behind you. It’s time to experience the home appliance repair you deserve with Chicago Appliance Repair Doctor. With a reputation as Chicago’s leading appliance repair company for over 20 years, we’re here to bring unwavering value to your home.

Your Trusted Appliance Repair Company

As a locally owned and operated appliance repair company, we are committed to upholding our deep community roots. Leading with our core values of honesty, integrity, and quality, we prioritize custom-tailored service and competitive rates you can feel good about. With the utmost precision and professionalism, trust us for exceptional service backed by unmatched guarantees.

Comprehensive Appliance Repair Services

Many families cannot afford appliance replacement. Fortunately, that’s not their only option. Preserve and restore your appliances’ functionality and reliability with comprehensive appliance repair services. Backed by over two decades of industry expertise, our renowned technicians are equipped to service virtually all major appliance brands and models.

Refrigerator Appliance Repair

Our comprehensive refrigerator appliance repair service eliminates the stress of spoiled food and wasted money. From strange sounds to visible leaks and temperature issues, partner with us to save thousands of dollars on complete refrigerator overhauls.

Stove & Oven Range Repair

Restore the heart of your home with stove and oven range repair services and Chicago Appliance Repair Doctor. We’re here to restore and optimize the efficiency of your stove and oven range with strategic repairs that yield years of reliable performance and culinary excellence.

Washer & Dryer Repair

With Chicago Appliance Repair Doctor, you can avoid the hassle of overflowing laundry piles, mildewy odors, and skyrocketing energy bills. Our washer and dryer repair is designed to detect, diagnose, and correct even the most complex malfunctions to restore the efficiency and flow of your laundry routine.

Dishwasher Repair

A dishwasher frees up the time and effort spent handling dirty dishes. Unfortunately, when these units succumb to age-related wear or breakdowns, they become more of a hassle than a convenience. Trust Chicago Appliance Repair Doctor’s full-stack dishwasher repair solutions for rapid repairs and sustainable improvements.

Garbage Disposal Repair

Say goodbye to foul odors, leaks, obstructions, and faulty drainage with the gold standard of garbage disposal repair. From clogs to blown fuses and everything in between, count on Chicago Appliance Repair Doctor to remedy the performance of your garbage disposal without delay.

Responsive Support With Emergency Appliance Service Repair

Home appliance repair cannot always wait until the next business day. When emergencies strike, prioritize the safety and integrity of your home with Chicago Appliance Repair Doctor’s responsive, same-day service. With access to superior-grade parts and unrivaled expertise, invest in unwavering support and top-rated workmanship with our emergency appliance repair services.