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Local Garbage Disposal Repair in Chicago & Suburbs

Your home’s garbage disposal is an essential appliance, allowing you to dispose of food scraps and leftovers quickly. Without it, cleaning up after a meal can be much more time-consuming. So, if your garbage disposal ever breaks, you can count on Appliance Repair Doctor Inc for reliable garbage disposal repair in Chicago & Suburbs and the surrounding suburbs. For over 20 years, homeowners have trusted us for responsive service. Our team offers same-day repairs for most issues, provided the part is available. Trust us to ensure your garbage disposal is running effectively. Contact our technicians for repairs.

A picture of functioning Garbage Disposal in Kitchen

What Are the Signs My Garbage Disposal Needs Repair?

Your kitchen is the heart of your home. It’s where meals are prepared, stories are shared, and memories are made. A well-functioning garbage disposal is key to maintaining the efficiency and cleanliness of your kitchen. If you notice issues with your garbage disposal, it’s crucial to repair them immediately. A malfunctioning garbage disposal can cause water damage to your home and pose a safety risk to those who use it. Some common signs of a broken garbage disposal include the following:

  • Unusual noises such as grinding, humming, or rattling.
  • Leaks or water pooling under the sink.
  • Slow sink drainage even after running the disposal.
  • Foul odors are coming from the unit.
  • Jamming or getting stuck frequently.
  • Blown fuses.
garbage disposal

Discover Tips for Caring for Your Disposal

Over long periods of time, your garbage disposal unit may become damaged. However, following these easy maintenance tips can enhance the unit’s longevity and prevent the need for frequent repairs. Some of the most essential maintenance tips for your garbage disposal include the following:

  • Run cold water to help flush debris down the drain.
  • Avoid putting hard, fibrous materials down the disposal.
  • Use a biodegradable cleaner or lemon peels to eliminate odors.
  • Use the reset button, if available, if it becomes jammed.

Trusted Team for Garbage Disposal Repair & Installation

For over 13 years, homeowners across Chicago & Suburbs and the surrounding suburbs have trusted Appliance Repair Doctor Inc for reliable appliance repair, including garbage disposal service. We offer honest and affordable pricing and provide a seven-day estimate guarantee to allow you to discuss your options before making a final decision. Your home’s garbage disposal helps make cleaning up after a meal easier. If yours is broken, you can count on our experts for same-day repair. Contact our team today for your service.

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