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Trust Us for Repairs for All Appliance Brands

Whether you have high-end appliances for your chef’s kitchen or affordable appliances to make daily living more convenient, we’re the team you can trust. Appliance Repair Doctor Inc, in Chicago & Suburbs repairs and services nearly every type of appliance brand on the market. As winners of the #1 Best Rated Quality Business Award 2023, you can feel confident that regardless of the cost of the appliance, we can provide reliable and thoughtful repairs. Our technicians take their time to understand the issue you’re experiencing and recommend a solution so you can enjoy the convenience of your appliance once again. Contact our team today to schedule your repair service.

man repairing oven

Learn More About the Brands We Service

For over 20 years, our technicians have worked with many of the big box store brands and high-end appliances. Our service vehicles are stocked with the necessary equipment, tools, and replacement parts to deliver exceptional service. We know that a broken appliance can disrupt your day-to-day life, and scheduling multiple service calls can be a hassle. That’s why most of our work is completed on the same day.

You Can Count On Us to Service the Following Brands

Picture of Bosch Logo

From high-end appliances to more economical options, Bosch has become one of the industry's top-name brands.

Picture of Frigidaire Logo

Frigidaire has been a pioneer in the appliance industry since its inception. We have experience working with their latest models.

General Electric

General Electric makes life easier with its selection of high-quality appliances.

Insinkerator Appliance Repair Chicago

Using a garbage disposal helps keep food waste out of the trash and out of the landfill for a clean, sustainable kitchen.

Picture of Kenmore Logo

For over 100 years, homeowners have trusted Kenmore for their innovative features and boundary-pushing designs.

Picture of Kitchen Aid Logo

While known for its table-top appliances, KitchenAid also boasts an impressive lineup of home appliances.


LG manufactures appliances for modern homes. From InstaView® refrigerator displays to wi-fi enabled dryers, they have you covered.

Picture of Samsung Logo

Samsung offers bespoke appliances for homeowners who want to elevate their kitchen design.

Speed Queen Appliance Repair Chicago
Speed Queen

The Proven Performer In Laundry.

Picture of Sub Zero Logo
Sub Zero

Sub-Zero is one of the industry's leaders in refrigeration and offers incredible precision to keep your food and drinks at the perfect temperature.

Picture of Viking Logo

Viking is committed to innovation, craftsmanship, and creating safe, more efficient home appliances.

Picture of Whirlpool Logo

Whirlpool is the name homeowners trust for comprehensive home appliances.

Picture of Wolf Logo

Wolf designs stovetops, ranges, and ovens with unique designs and stunning luxury.

The Right Team for Every Repair

At Appliance Repair Doctor Inc, our goal is to provide exceptional repairs. Whether you have a damaged Kenmore washer machine or your Sub-Zero refrigerator is leaking, we’re the team you can count on for responsive service. While some homeowners may rely on YouTube videos for DIY repairs, choosing a trusted expert is the only way to feel confident your appliance is repaired. We offer honest, upfront services and guarantee all our work. Speak to a technician today to schedule your repair.

Contact Us to Schedule an Appointment