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Protect Your Home With Emergency Repair in Chicago & Suburbs

There are numerous appliances in your home that can cause significant damage when they malfunction. Fortunately, the professionals at Appliance Repair Doctor Inc provide responsive emergency appliance repair in Chicago & Suburbs and the surrounding communities. Our team has the skills and experience to service all major appliances, including high-end appliances. With access to the right parts for the job, we provide emergency repair for your refrigerator, stovetop, and oven. You can trust our uniformed technicians to arrive on time and complete the repairs the same day. Don’t delay. Contact our team immediately to book your repair.

Sub Zero Wolf Fridge Repair Kit

What Are the Signs I Need Emergency Refrigerator Repair?

Your refrigerator is an essential appliance in your household. It’s designed to keep your food fresh and safe to eat. However, when your refrigerator breaks, it can lead to costly consequences. According to the CDC, refrigerated food can spoil in as little as four hours. Delaying repairs can cost you hundreds of dollars in wasted food. So, it’s critical to act quickly when it comes to a broken refrigerator. Learn about some of the most common signs your refrigerator requires emergency repair:

  • Water Leaking
  • Door Isn’t Closing or Sealing Correctly
  • Not Cooling or Freezing Properly
  • Unable to Maintain Consistent Temperature
  • Making Strange Noises
Stove Ignitor for Stove Range

Should I Schedule Emergency Repair for My Stove and Oven?

Your home’s stove and oven range make cooking hot meals for your family simple. However, if they are damaged, it can cause a dangerous situation in your kitchen. Whether you have a gas or electric stove, you can count on our team to assess the issue and recommend the proper repairs. We take the time to educate our customers about the repairs we make and walk them through the process so they understand and feel comfortable about their decision. Some of the common signs you need emergency repair for your stove top or oven include:

  • Not Turning On or Heating UP
  • Uneven Cooking Surface
  • Consistently Burned Food
  • Gas Smell When Using the Oven
  • Oven Door Is Not Closing or Locking

We’re Here When You Need Us Most

Fast, reliable repair is crucial when your kitchen’s critical appliances begin to fail. Delaying repairs can lead to more costly issues. As your one-stop shop for appliance repair, Appliance Repair Doctor Inc offers same-day repairs for your appliances when we have the part in stock. We understand a fast response is critical to ensuring your family and home are safe, so we always respond to our clients as soon as possible. Trust our award-winning team for emergency appliance repair and discover why we’re the team so many homeowners trust. Call us today.

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